Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Kevin Brazant
Kiu Sum
Steering Group Member
Chair of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group
Kiu Sum is a Lecturer in Nutrition at Solent University, Southampton. Her research focuses on healthcare professionals’ diets and nutritional behaviour in shift work. Kiu is also interested in pedagogy research in higher education, focusing on student engagement and partnerships. At ALDinHE, she is a member of the Steering Group, leads the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Working Group and is also part of the Research Community of Practice. Kiu also previously contributed to the RAISE Network as a Student Officer. She also co-convenes RAISE Network’s Engagement Assessment and the Early Career Researchers Special Interest Groups and sits on the Editorial Board for the Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal. Kiu hosts The Education Burrito Podcast (@EdBurritoPod).