The steering group consists of the Association’s Co-Chairs, Treasurer, Secretary and Working Group Leads. The steering group is elected annually. Election is on a self-nomination basis, supported by a current member of the steering group or a working group co-chair, with membership ratified at the Association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). See the members of the steering group here.
- Contribute to the strategic development of the association
- Gain experience in the operation of the association with people from other institutions
- Develop professional skills that can translate to careers in and out of academia
- Demonstrate impact for professional accreditations, eg. ALDinHE, AdvanceHE
- Develop new insights into current trends and initiatives in the LD community
- Opportunity to take responsibility in a chosen area
- A chance to step outside of normal routine to become more objective
- Benefit from knowledge exchange, share practice and influence a culture of collaboration
Co-Chair for the Steering Group – Role 1

- Act as a figurehead (with the other co-chair) for the association.
- Provide strategic leadership and co-ordination related to collaborations and partnerships.
Key responsibilities
- Organise and chair the monthly meetings
- Maintain the strategic direction of the organisation
- Respond to info@aldinhe queries as required
- Attend and when necessary chair ICALLD steering group meetings
- Liaise with other organisations as required
- Support conference preparation (onsite at the venue)
- Coordinate and plan the programme for the annual residential
- Project management (as required by the association)
- Develop and deliver conference sessions reflecting ALDinHE priorities
- Co-author annual co-chair report for the AGM
- Support other association members to undertake their duties
Co-Chair for the Steering Group – Role 2

- Act as a figurehead (with the other co-chair) for the association.
- Provide strategic leadership and co-ordination related to professional development.
Key responsibilities
- Define a clear direction for professional recognition and CPD work
- Attend monthly meetings
- Chair meetings (if other co-chair is unavailable)
- As required, respond to ALDinHE-related queries
- As required, liaise with other associations/organisations
- Support conference preparation (onsite at the venue)
- Attend the annual residential
- Project management (as required by the association)
- Support other association members to undertake their duties
- Develop and deliver conference sessions reflecting ALDinHE priorities
- Co-author annual co-chair report

The role of treasurer is to monitor and action spending – the steering group makes decisions about what to spend our finances on.
Key responsibilities
- Maintain accurate financial records and present at the AGM
- Provide financial reporting
- Ensure that appropriate financial systems, monitoring and controls are in place
- Ensure proper records are kept
- Manage bank accounts
- Action payments

- Process institutional and individual memberships
- Process annual conference registrations and associated tasks
- Contribute the proper administration and governance of the Association
Key responsibilities
- Prepare membership report for the AGM
- Consolidate and expand institutional membership
Conference Committee Lead

Lead on the organisation, promotion, operation and review of the annual conference
Key responsibilities
- Administrate committee meetings (scheduling; ensuring everyone has access to previous minutes, agenda and any other documents)
- Motivate and remind members to undertake agreed tasks
- Encourage communication at and between meetings
- Look for ways to improve/streamline/develop processes and systems relating to the responsibilities of that committee (e.g. the task spreadsheet for the Conference)
- Ensure the conference is a success
- Update the SG on the committee’s actions, decisions, etc.
- Liaise with Comms & Membership co-chairs
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group Lead

- To lead and provide opportunities for colleagues to participate and share practices in discussions concerning EDI topics in Higher Education in the context of learning development.
Key responsibilities
- Manage and lead the working group
- To seek and encourage colleagues to share and participate in our EDI Community of Practice sessions
- To manage tasks and projects within the group
- To encourage colleagues from the sector to participate in discussions
Events Group Lead

- To be concerned with the development of an ALDinHE regional events programme.
Key responsibilities
- Encourage people to contribute to the work of the WG
- Liaise with other WGs and the SG
- Set WG priorities for the year, in alignment with overall association strategy
- Work collaboratively to develop an ALDinHE regional events programme
- Support and help others in facilitating regional events and sharing professional expertise
- Support the professionalism, standard of service, branding of the association
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education Working Group Lead

The purpose of the Journal for Learning Development in Higher Education working group is to be responsible for the overall production of the journal as a high quality, peer-reviewed, online academic journal.
Key responsibilities
- To seek and encourage the submission of papers, case studies, opinion pieces,
- editorials, reviews and other material suitable for inclusion in the journal
- To seek and encourage participation in the JLDHE by academics and professionals
- of good standing to act as reviewers for the journal
- To publicise and promote the journal in relevant contexts
- To make all day-to-day decisions on how best to achieve progress in the production,
- editing and publication of the JLDHE
- To hold regular meetings to review the progress of each edition of the journal and to
- allocate the necessary review, editorial, proof-reading and administrative tasks to
- JWG members or others as appropriate
Learn Higher Working Group Lead

Lead on developing strategies and plans to offer/maintain a user friendly and accessible resource repository for Learning development resources open to all members of the learning development community.
Key responsibilities
- Curate all LH assets
- Administration of working group meetings and materials
- Report progress to the steering group and at residential meetings
- Disseminate working group outputs to wider ALDinHE and communities
- Encourage and embed practice in regional, national and international (where appropriate) academic institutions
- Lead, guide and support on strategies for the optimal usage of the LH site
- Lead, guide and support the development of the LH site
- Liaise with the ALDinHE Administrator on website developments
- Encourage and support LDers to engage with professional development through use of and submission to the LH site
- Recognise LDer contribution towards the LH site
- Support the work and development of the working group members
- Recruitment and selection of new members to working group
- Prepare, negotiate and manage tasks and projects
- Manage review and publication of new resources
- Monitor usage statistics and user base
- Research trends in the changing higher educational landscape
Peer Mentoring Group Lead

To be concerned with the development of an ALDinHE peer mentoring programme.
Key responsibilities
- Encourage people to contribute to the work of the WG
- Liaise with other WGs and the SG
- Set WG priorities for the year, in alignment with overall association strategy
- Work collaboratively to develop clear mentoring models and guidelines
- Support and help others in peer mentoring and sharing professional expertise
- Support the professionalism, standard of service, branding of the association
- Facilitate (general, not specialist) peer mentoring
Professional Development Group Lead

To be concerned with the development of an ALDinHE professional development programme.
Key responsibilities
- Encourage people to contribute to the work of the WG
- Liaise with other WGs and the SG
- Set WG priorities for the year, in alignment with overall association strategy
- Work collaboratively to develop a professional development programme
- Support and help others in continuous professional development and sharing professional expertise
- Support the professionalism, standard of service, branding of the association
- Facilitate training and professional development opportunities
Professional Recognition Working Group Lead

Provide operational leadership related to professional development
Key responsibilities
- Schedule meetings and set agenda
- Chair meetings
- Coordinate the professional recognition scheme
- Maintain oversight of PDWG project scoping
- Oversight of PD web pages
- Coordinate CPD activities if the other co-chair is unavailable
- Co-author annual PRWG report
Research and Scholarship Working Group Lead

Support and lead on the development of a research- and evidence-based understanding of Learning Development
Key responsibilities
- Define a clear direction for professional recognition and CPD work
- Attend monthly meetings
- Chair meetings (if other co-chair is unavailable)
- As required, Ensure the communication flow between the WG and SG, where appropriate
- Produce an annual report for the Association’s AGM and website.
- Welcome new members and maintain communication with the current members
- Ensure that the WG members are appropriately supported in their involvement with ALDinHE activity
- Schedule and run monthly meetings for the WG
- Ensure that the working group’s Terms of Reference are adhered to and revised accordingly and in discussion with the SG.
- Ensure that individual group members contribute in some way to the overall aims of the working group and ALDinHE as a whole.
- Ensure that there is appropriate work for the group taking into account membership size and commitment.respond to ALDinHE-related queries
- As required, liaise with other associations/organisations
- Support conference preparation (onsite at the venue)
- Attend the annual resi
- Project management (as required by the association)
- Support other association members to undertake their duties
- Develop and deliver conference sessions reflecting ALDinHE priorities
- Co-author annual co-chair report