LearnHigher Resource of the Year Award

The LearnHigher Resource of the Year Award was launched in 2024, and it recognises the creators of the most valued new resource published on the LearnHigher website over the last 12 months.

The award criteria are based on the number of views and downloads of a resource. In the event of a difference of less than 10% in the statistics for the top resources, a shortlist will be created and members of the LearnHigher Working Group will undertake independent reviews to determine the winner (based on format, accessibility and content). Resource reviews and ratings on the LearnHigher website will also be taken into account. The winner will be announced at the ALDinHE annual conference.

Our winner of the LearnHigher Resource of the Year Award 2024: Nayiri Keshish and Dustin Hosseini


I’m happy to share that Nayiri Keshishi and I have won the LearnHigher Resource of the Year Award for our resource, Generative AI: a problematic illustration of the intersections of racialized gender, race and ethnicity.

The LearnHigher Resource of the Year Award recognises the creators of the most valued new resource published on the LearnHigher website over the last 12 months. The award criteria are based on the number of views and downloads of a resource, as well as independent reviews from the LearnHigher Working Group. We’re currently on 130 downloads!

You can access the resource via the LearnHigher website: Generative AI: a problematic illustration of the intersections of racialized gender, race and ethnicity.

You can also access a pre-print about the topic here: https://osf.io/987ra.

A special thanks to Nayiri for making this happen, encouraging me along the way and putting ideas and words into action!

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