Learning Development continues to grow as a distinctive field within higher education in the UK and beyond. Its evolution in individual institutions has been characterised by considerable diversity in terms of development, role profiles, and organisational structures.
The core of practitioners’ work tends to be focused on supporting students’ academic skills development ‘with some distinguishing features: notably the emphasis on examining how students experience and make sense of learning activities and academic practices’ (Hilsdon, 2011, p.14).

‘Learning development is a complex set of multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary academic roles and functions, involving teaching, tutoring, research, and the design and production of learning materials, as well as involvement in staff development, policy-making and other consultative activities.’ (p.14)
Which award is appropriate for you?
CeP status is for practitioners who can demonstrate engagement with the five values at an institutional level.
CeLP status is for practitioners who demonstrate engagement with the five values beyond an institutional level.
The recognition scheme has three submission windows. The next deadline is: 6th May 2025. If you’re unsure about your eligibility, please contact ALDinHE Admin.
Benefits of Professional Recognition
Awarding CeP and CeLP status recognises excellence among Learning Development professionals who support development of academic skills, literacies, and practices in higher education contexts.
The award will help to demonstrate this expertise to both current and prospective employers. CeP and CeLP might also be useful when applying for Advance HE Fellowships and vice versa.

The CeP and CeLP awards are beneficial for the individual and the wider profession.
Benefits for the individual:
- offers professional recognition of work in the field of Learning Development.
- offers a sense of professional identity and community as Learning Developers.
- recognises specialist knowledge in an area of practice related to the pedagogy of Learning Development.
- provides an opportunity to reflect on and share individual practice.
- supports individual professional development.
- supports engagement with other professional recognition schemes, including Advance HE Fellowships.
- enhances employability in the field of Learning Development.
Benefits for the profession:
- promotes and protects Learning Development as a distinct profession.
- supports, promotes, and strengthens the work of ALDinHE.
- emphasises how ALDinHE’s five values underpin and guide the work of Learning Developers.
- offers a foundation and touchstone across the sector for Learning Developers.
- increases awareness of the work of Learning Developers across the sector.
- celebrates and promotes the achievements and impact of Learning Development practitioners.
- supports and sustains a vibrant Learning Development community.
There is currently no formal requirement to revalidate ALDinHE’s awards. Award holders are expected to maintain the currency of their professional practice through continuing engagement ALDinHE’s five values. ALDinHE reserves the right to introduce a revalidation scheme/tiered recognition categories at a future date. Award holders must avoid engaging in activities that could bring the scheme into disrepute.
Individuals who achieve CeP and CeLP status are:
- given a certificate and a digital badge in recognition of their expertise in Learning Development.
- invited to be added to a list of holders of CeP and CeLP on the ALDinHE website: publicly recognising their expertise.
- encouraged to use ALDinHE Certified Practitioner/Certified Leading Practitioner in their email signature.
Current holders of CeP and CeLP awards may be viewed in the ALDinHE Professional Accreditation directory.
Application review process
Applications are considered by two Reviewers who are selected by the Professional Recognition Panel. Reviewers attend training and hold a minimum of the award they are reviewing against; for example, only recipients of CeLP will review CeLP applications.
There are three stages involved in the applicant review process:
1. Reviewing your application
Your application will be sent to two Reviewers (one of whom will be a Lead Reviewer) who will independently review the content. Initially, reviewers will review the application against the five values, prepare feedback, and make an award recommendation.
2. Awarding decisions
Reviewer recommendations will be sent to the Lead Reviewer who will confirm the decision and arrange for the outcome, with the written feedback, to be sent to the applicant by the ALDinHE administrator. If a consensus cannot be reached between Reviewers on an awarding decision, the Lead Reviewer’s decision will be final.
3. ALDinHE Steering Group
The ALDinHE Steering Group will consider any appeal relating to the review process. They will periodically evaluate and review the CeP process.
All Reviewers complete standardisation training annually to ensure that applications are fairly and consistently reviewed.

Once the Professional Recognition Panel has come to a decision, you will be advised of the outcome of your application via email. You will also receive feedback explaining the outcome. The review panel aims to review and provide an outcome and feedback within 12 weeks of the deadline window.
Possible outcomes
There are three possible application outcomes:
Feedback on your application
Applicants will receive written feedback and where necessary, reviewers will provide suggestions for required amendments. Applicants are welcome to request a meeting with the Lead Reviewer to discuss their application.
Should you need to resubmit your application, Reviewers will provide feedback on areas for development in your revised application. If you would like to discuss how to approach a re-submission, please contact ALDinHE Admin to arrange to speak to a member of the Professional Recognition Panel.