Homepage Forums Neurodiversity Belong to a university in South West?: UDL Staff Conference September 12th

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    Rachel Griffiths

    There is a one-day hybrid staff development conference aimed to support educators from universities in the South-West to improve their understanding of inclusive education and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Keynote speakers include Professor Nicola Martin (Professor of Social Justice and Inclusive Education LSBU) and Dr Heather Sears (RSVP Researcher Development Lead and Head of Researcher Capability and Development at Coventry University). There will also be presentations and workshops led by the GW4 institutions, as well as a poster display on projects following the themes of the conference (call for poster abstracts via this form: https://tinyurl.com/mwzjw3hy).

    Please visit this University of Exeter website (UDL Staff Development Conference > Universal Design for Learning: Supporting Inclusive Learning and Teaching for All (exeter.ac.uk)) for more information and to sign up!

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