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Dear colleagues

Hope you’re well. Over the past six months, myself and Dustin (or vice versa depending on who is sending) have been looking into the connections between generative AI and gender, race, and ethnicity. Today, we’re excited to share our latest project with you: a teaching resource (PPT slides and worksheet), which aims to develop critical and analytic thinking around the underpinnings of generative AI.

You can find the resources here:

Reference: Keshishi, N., & Hosseini, D. (2023). Generative AI: a problematic illustration of the intersections of racialized gender, race, ethnicity (Version 2). National Teaching Repository. https://doi.org/10.25416/NTR.24680895.v3

In a world where tech is shaping everything, it’s crucial to understand how it intersects with issues like gender and race. We hope our resource is a useful toolkit for educators in the UK and beyond.

In addition, we are gathering feedback, via this online survey, from both student participants and educators delivering the workshop. This should take no longer than 5-10 minutes to complete.

Thanks for being part of this important work!

P.S. The original blog has since been turned into a pre-print. The reference for the pre-print is Hosseini, D. D. (2024, February 3). Generative AI: a problematic illustration of the intersections of racialized gender, race, ethnicity. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/987ra

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