Numerical Literacy

#Take5 #118 From Statistics Anxiety to Confidence: The Power of Co-design and Collaboration between Academic and Library Support in Health Education

Published: 28/11/2024 - Reading Time: 6 min

Categories: Take5 | Assessment Feedback and Course Design | Numerical Literacy | Playful and Creative Learning | Research | Research Methodologies and Data Collection

Studies show nursing students experience significant maths anxiety (MA) (Bull 2009; McMullan, Jones and Lea 2012); this is the ‘fear or an adverse emotional response to the idea of doing mathematics’ (Hart and Ganley 2019, p. 122). As MA is correlated with lower maths performance in nurses (Bull 2009), Dr Katie Woodhouse-Skinner (Academic Skills and Statistics Tutor) and Hannah Glenn (Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing), wanted to know whether they, as university healthcare academics and library academic support working at Nottingham Trent University (NTU), could work together to reduce MA in the healthcare curriculum, using alternative pedagogies to develop students’ […]

a person expressing maths anxiety.
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