Keeping up to date with higher education sector change: Implications for Learning Development Practitioners
While the national and international policy landscape of the Higher Education sector may feel very remote from the day to day work of Learning Developers, it is worth familiarising ourselves with the agendas and drivers that shape our institutions. Understanding what the latest developments mean for our students and for our work, we can anticipate and respond proactively, not only to protect and preserve the work that we are committed to, but also ensures that its full value is drawn on to the benefit of our institutions and the whole sector. Learning Development practitioners can contribute to and influence these discussions at high levels in our institutions and even the whole sector, so getting a voice in these forums can also help raise our profile.
If you’re not sure how to get started in keeping up to date with sector changes and understanding their implications, join Steve Briggs and Helen Webster for a discussion of all things Higher Education policy and what it’s got to do with Learning Development. They will outline some of the recent developments, the challenges and opportunities they may present for Learning Developers, and outline some of the main organisations which drive, support and comment on change. They will also discuss how you can become more involved in your institution’s response to these drivers and raise the profile of Learning Development.
Helen Webster, Educational Development Consultant (academic skills), Oxford University
Steve Briggs, Director of Learning and Teaching Excellence, University of Bedfordshire
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