RSDWG Online Writing Retreat – June


Availability: 9 in stock

Event Date: 25/06/2024
Event Time: 9:30 am to 2:30 pm

The Research and Scholarship Development Working Group are pleased to announce the launch of a pilot set of three online Research & Scholarship Writing Retreats this summer. You can join one or more of them.

It is often so easy to not complete the important tasks and instead focus on the urgent tasks. The writing retreat gives you an opportunity to begin writing on important things related to Learning Development, all in a relaxed and supportive environment . There are a variety of writing projects you can bring to this space, including but not limited to:

  • Blog writing
  • Funding applications
  • Dissemination of research

In fact, there is no expectation of what you will write – it is intended as a space for you to work on whatever you’d like to. All in the ALDinHE community are welcome. We can accept up to 15 registrations for each retreat.

There will be lots of time for both community discussions and structured writing blocks to support you. So whether you are well into your writing, not started yet, or don’t see yourself as already an ‘LD Scholar’, then the writing retreat is for you. Come along!

We will be offering Q&A sessions in the retreats for those who would rather spend one allocated writing block participating in a discussion instead. In June, the Q&A will be about writing ALDinHE funding applications, while in July and August there will be the opportunity to talk with a JLDHE editor about getting published.

Here is a brief guide to preparing for the writing retreats to help you get the most out of it.

Each retreat is 9.30-2.30, with an optional final hour writing block for those who want it, to finish at 3.30. The last hour is optional.


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