If you haven’t created a poster before (experienced colleagues very welcome too), this is an ideal opportunity to submit a poster proposal. The possibilities are wide open and we would like to see poster proposals that show:
- Particular aspects of your work – solo or team – that you are especially enthusiastic about, and want to share
- Projects or initiatives where you would like to share ideas and get feedback
- Research, including accounts of research in progress
- Presentations about themes or concepts that you are exploring
- Student development or staff development, in the context of student learning development
- Student perspectives, including posters by students about their experience of student learning development
- Any aspect of your work where you are keen to share ideas and build links with colleagues at other universities or colleges.

ALDinHE members are invited to present their poster at an LD@3 event or as a blog post, throughout the year. There is also an opportunity to submit a poster proposal for our annual conference. The call for conference proposals opens in November and closes early January, each year.