Research Grant Review Please complete your reviews by Thursday 5 September 2024. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Reviewer Bid Number (in file name) *Your Name *FirstLastBefore you start the review: Make sure you allocate sufficient time to review the application. Familiarise yourself with the funding application guidance. In particular, section V on what can and cannot be funded. Contact ALDinHE if something is unclear Please refer to the ALDinHE values as below: 1. Working in partnership with students and staff to make sense and get the most out of HE. 2. Embracing and respecting diverse learners through critical pedagogy and practice. 3. Adapting, sharing and advocating effective learning development practice to promote student learning. 4. Critical self-reflection, on-going learning and a commitment to professional development. 5. Commitment to a scholarly approach and research related to Learning Development. Please complete the assessment below after reviewing the grant application. Please rate the proposed project against each of the eight criteria below, from 5 (excellent) to 1 (weak) using these descriptors. 1. The project is clearly aligned to the ALDinHE values. *5 - Excellent4 - Very Good3 - Good2 - Satisfactory1 - Weak2. The project will directly impact or further enhance students’ learning experiences of higher education. *5 - Excellent4 - Very Good3 - Good2 - Satisfactory1 - Weak3. The project provides evidence of collaboration within the field of Learning Development beyond an individual’s immediate practice (e.g., across disciplines, across institutions, or with students). *5 - Excellent4 - Very Good3 - Good2 - Satisfactory1 - Weak4. The project has aims which are appropriate and achievable within the context of the project. *5 - Excellent4 - Very Good3 - Good2 - Satisfactory1 - Weak5. The project demonstrates how it builds on and enhances the practice and/or literature of Learning Development. *5 - Excellent4 - Very Good3 - Good2 - Satisfactory1 - Weak6. The project has a clear evaluation and dissemination plan to evaluate and share the project with the Learning Development community. *5 - Excellent4 - Very Good3 - Good2 - Satisfactory1 - Weak7. The project clearly considers and outlines the ethical considerations (e.g., how consent will be sought, how data will be stored, etc.?). *5 - Excellent4 - Very Good3 - Good2 - Satisfactory1 - Weak8. The project clearly demonstrates value for money and includes sufficiently detailed breakdown of financial details. *5 - Excellent4 - Very Good3 - Good2 - Satisfactory1 - Weak9. Please provide a review summary including area of strength and any suggestions for further improvement (if appropriate). Please note these comments will be directly shared with the applicants. Please word the feedback directly to the applicant. *10. Please include any confidential comments for the ALDinHE Research and Scholarship Development Working Group (if any). Please record your results below: Overall Score (Total sum of all individual scores given) *Decision *AcceptRejectAre you interested in mentoring this project if successful? *YesNoSubmit