Networking & Expertise Directory

Sandra Sinfield

Sandra Sinfield




London Metropolitan University

Job Title

Senior Lecturer and University Teaching Fellow


  • CeLP - Awarded: 2019

Contact Sandra

Areas of Expertise

Academic Literacies | Academic Reading | Academic Writing | Assessment, Feedback and Course Design | Critical Pedagogies and LD | Digital Education | Learning Spaces & Learning Communities | Peer Assisted Learning and Peer Mentoring | Playful and Creative Learning | Publishing in LD and Collaborative Writing | Study Skills | Visual Literacy and Multimodal Practices | Widening Participation


Sandra Sinfield SFHEA, CeLP, CATE is Senior Lecturer and University Teaching Fellow in the Centre for Professional and Educational Development (CPED) at LondonMet and co-author of books on teaching, learning and study skills. With Tom Burns, she has developed theatre and film in unusual places.

How can I help learning developers?

I am interested in writing as a learning process and collaborative writing as a method of enquiry – and as a way for non-traditional lecturers to support each other as they enter academia and become the academics they wish to be.

I am particularly interested in creativity in teaching, learning and assessment. Creativity is typically extinguished in schooling – and I enjoy exploring creative ways that we can un-school and de-school our practice for liberatory purposes.

Last modified: 15/08/2023

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