Networking & Expertise Directory

Adam Devine

Adam Devine


University of Suffolk

Job Title

Academic Skills Advisor


  • CeP - Awarded: 2020

Contact Adam

Areas of Expertise

Inclusive Teaching | Peer Assisted Learning and Peer Mentoring | Playful and Creative Learning | Visual Literacy and Multimodal Practices | Widening Participation


As an Academic Skills Advisor, I interact with a diverse audience to facilitate learning in academic skills. I have previously worked at as a Sociology lecturer and coordinated an institutional peer support scheme.

Currently, I facilitate sessions such as:

– Individual appointments (in person/Skype) for SpLD and academic literacy.
– In course study and academic skills sessions
– Functional Skills.
– General skills workshops (L3 – L7).
– Creative thinking sessions.
– Peer support training and supervision.

My role also has managerial responsibility for the Study Skills and Peer Assisted Student Success (PASS) coordinator.

How can I help learning developers?

I have experience in working with widening participation students and those studying apprenticeship degrees. Typical approaches may not be effective but I can share my team’s perspective and approach to supporting our learners. I can support fellow LDers in curating learning development interactions for learners with limited experience in academic literacy and placements students. I also have extensive experience in creating and coordinating peer support schemes (both pastoral and peer assisted learning). I am currently coordinating an online induction academic literacies programme which I’d be happy to discuss with peers.

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