Networking & Expertise Directory

Laura Riella

Laura Riella


Edge Hill University

Job Title

Learning Developer


  • CeP - Awarded: 2020

Contact Laura

Areas of Expertise

Digital Education | Digital Literacies | Visual Literacy and Multimodal Practices


A Microsoft Innovative Educator and Apple Teacher, I am passionate about digital developments, aiming to use technology in creative and innovative ways. With a background in teaching and educational development, I am highly interested in enhancing digital skills and implementing new technologies that will benefit teaching and learning. As the Digital Capabilities Coordinator at Edge Hill University, I coordinate a diverse programme of staff development within Library & Learning Services. My role centres around supporting and developing staff’s digital skills, ensuring that they feel confident and knowledgeable about using a range of technologies.

How can I help learning developers?

As an early-career Learning Developer, I would love to collaborate and support fellow LDers across the sector. I can support fellow LDers who are interested in:

  • technology enhanced learning (TEL)
  • redesigning and developing new staff development pathways
  • enhancing staff’s digital skills and confidence levels
  • integrating technologies to support online learning and teaching methods for students

I am also a SOLSTICE Fellow and my current project is focused on developing e-learning staff development packages. I would be happy to share my experiences of designing, developing and disseminating e-learning packages which are focused on upskilling staff’s digital skills, digital proficiency and confidence.

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