Networking & Expertise Directory
Angelos Bakogiannis
Teesside University
Job Title
English Language Centre Coordinator
Contact Angelos
Areas of Expertise
Academic Literacies | Academic Writing | Inclusive Teaching | Research Methodologies and Data Collection | Study SkillsBiography
I am an ELC Coordinator at Teesside University responsible for leading Pre-sessional English. I am also responsible for developing and delivering embedded academic literacy support sessions for the School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies and the School of Health and Life Sciences as part of In-sessional English. I am the PI of the BALEAP funded project on inclusive education and Convenor of the BALEAP Academic Literacies SIG. I am particularly interested in Academic Literacies, Academic Writing Tutorials (Academic Consultations) and Doctoral Education.
How can I help learning developers?
I am happy to share good practice and support peers who wish to pursue professional accreditation or need guidance and advice especially in areas such as academic literacies (supporting UK/Home students), study skills and research methodologies.
Last modified: 31/05/2024