*** STOP PRESS: #creativeHE new run: 16-20 Jan!! ***
A new version of #creativeHE with a focus on creativity, play, narrative & storytelling and making will be offered by MMU’s CELT in collaboration with London Metropolitan University’s CPED 16-20 Jan 2017.
Participants are invited from across the sector – such that colleagues from both institutions and elsewhere will have the opportunity to learn and develop together within a diverse and distributed community of higher education practitioners. Get together with colleagues who are involved in teaching, supporting learning or development of others with an interest in creative teaching and learning, who would like to explore innovative learning and teaching.
In #creativeHE practical creative tasks will be explored together with related pedagogical theory and literature. Participants will experience learning through play, games, models and stories and actively experiment with such approaches. This will help to further develop understanding, knowledge, skills and practices in these areas such that we all become more adventurous in our teaching.
Participants will be able to critically reflect on their practice and identify opportunities to design, implement and evaluate an imaginative and creative innovation that fosters curiosity, maximises motivation and meaningful active engagement and discovery learning. The teacher is challenged to be creative in order for creativity to be developed in the students.
The unit will be offered online as a 5-day block with further support until the end of the term. All MMU participants will be invited to a portfolio building workshop before commencing the unit.
The programme
■ Day 1: Creativity in HE
■ Day 2: Play and games
■ Day 3: Learning through story
■ Day 4 : Learning through making
■ Day 5: Celebrating creativity.
Join in for the whole week – or just come along for the sessions that you can use this time round.
Getting Credit
The unit is available for free to all practitioners who would like to participate informally in the open online version of this course.
#creativeHE is part of MMU’s FLEX programme – and can be taken for 15 or 30 credits. If you work in another institution and are interested in studying towards academic credits FLEX15 [Creativity for Learning] , please get in touch with CELT as there is a cost for this.
Participants from LondonMet can get recognition for participation as part of their CPD.
To join in with #creativeHE – just ask to join this Google+ group: https://plus.google.com/communities/110898703741307769041/
LondonMet staff are asked to book via Eventbrite if possible – so that we can let you know about follow up activities once the course is complete.
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#becomingeducational W12 2016-17 Have a Creative New Year!!
Okay – so you have too many assignments to do and so little time. You are tired and frustrated and wondering what’s the point of it all…
Take a few moments each day next week (16-20 January) to get your creative juices flowing – making stuff – getting playful – story telling…
You will start the year refreshed – your skin will glow – your eyes will shine – and your assignments will burst with energy and vitamin C!!
Hope to see you there next week.
You know it makes sense!