The first ALDinHE symposium took place at London Metropolitan University in 2003 – and an Association was born. That Association has been growing, developing, flourishing. This #Take5 blogpost has been written by Steve Briggs, Co-Chair of ALDinHE, to bring Learning Developers up to date with all the latest developments. Have a read. Leave a Comment. Get involved.
Growing and Flourishing
The last five years have been an exciting time for ALDinHE (Association for Learning Development in Higher Education). There have been some brilliant developments and expansions to our membership offer. For example, we have introduced a recognition scheme, regional events, research bids and a new website. We have had fantastic feedback from the learning development community in relation to these new developments and institutional membership of ALDinHE has reached at an all-time high (currently 95 ALDinHE members).
Whilst we welcomed this growth, it became apparent that the steering group was not best set up to manage our growing service offer. Therefore, over the last nine months the ALDinHE Steering Group has looked at how we could restructure steering group duties to ensure better distribution of responsibilities and, through doing so, safeguard the long-term sustainability of the association.
On the 13th February 2020, ALDinHE held an online extra-ordinary general meeting where members voted unanimously to approve the Steering Group’s restructure proposal.
What has changed?
Historically, the ALDinHE steering group comprised four named positions (two Co-Chairs / Secretary / Treasurer) which formed the ALDinHE Executive. There were also twelve Steering Group Members (who chaired working groups / led projects). Steering group recruitment was through self-nomination and operated on a 12-month cycle.
Looking forward, ALDinHE will organise itself around three themes, which map against the association’s strategic priorities. A member of the ALDinHE executive will lead or co-lead each strategic theme. Each theme encompasses operational areas, which reflect operational services provided by the association:
Theme 1: Research | Theme 2: Practice | Theme 3: Events and external relations |
Operational areas:
Operational areas:
Operational areas:
A member of the steering group will lead each operational area. Typically, a minimum two-year term of service will apply to each role.
There will also be two members of the SG without portfolio (1-year roles to allow new members to become involved in the steering group every year).
Welcome to the new ALDinHE steering group
Existing ALDinHE steering group members have been matched into new steering group positions as follows:
Position | Role holder |
ALDinHE Co-Chair (research) | Carina Buckley |
Journal lead editor | Alicja Syska |
Research funding lead | Maria Kukhareva |
Research development lead | Christie Pritchard |
ALDinHE Co-Chair (practice) | Steve Briggs |
Professional development lead | Helen Webster |
Recognition lead | Pam Thomas |
Learn Higher lead | Amanda Pocklington |
Peer mentoring lead | Sandra Sinfield |
ALDinHE Secretary | Kate Coulson |
ALDinHE Treasurer | Carina Buckley |
Conference lead | Melanie Crisfield |
Regional events lead | Maddy Mossman / Alistair Morey |
Communications lead | Jacqui Bartram |
Partnerships and collaborations lead | Ella Turner |
Steering Group Member | To be appointed |
Steering Group Member | To be appointed |
Working groups : Now is your chance to get involved
ALDinHE working groups will now be refreshed and aligned to new operational roles. This provides a fantastic opportunity for more members of the learning development community to get involved. The new working group list:
- Journal Editorial Committee
- Research Development Working Group
- Research Funding Panel
- Communications Committee
- Collaborations Team
- Conference Committee
- Regional Events Coordinators
- Training and CPD Working Group
- Peer mentoring Coordinators
- Learn Higher Editorial Committee
Opportunities to get involved will be advertised via the LDHEN Jiscmail list over the coming months. Likewise, most of the ALDinHE operational leads will be at the ALDinHE 2020 conference in Northampton and are happy to chat about how you can get involved.
Interested in joining the steering group?
Calls for self-nominations for steering group vacancies will be posted via the LDHEN Jiscmail list.
Dr Steve Briggs is Head of Professional and Academic Development at the University of Bedfordshire. He has been Co-Chair of ALDinHE for almost four years. Steve is a Chartered Psychologist and a PFHEA.