AGM 2023
Date: Friday 9th June 2023
Time: 16.20 – 16.45
Location: Online (please access via the conference programme)
Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of the Association for Learning Development in Higher Education, to be held online at 16.20 on Friday 9th June 2023. Further details about the AGM are shown below.
A key matter for the AGM is the election of new members to the Steering Group of the Association. Self-nominations are now invited from members of ALDinHE who have the enthusiasm and experience to enable the Association to flourish, working with friendly and supportive colleagues on the Steering Group.
- Contribute to the strategic development of the association
- Gain experience in the operation of the association with people from other institutions
- Develop professional skills that can translate to careers in and out of academia
- Demonstrate impact for professional accreditations, eg. ALDinHE, AdvanceHE
- Develop new insights into current trends and initiatives in the LD community
- Opportunity to take responsibility in a chosen area
- A chance to step outside of normal routine to become more objective
- Benefit from knowledge exchange, share practice and influence a culture of collaboration
Further details about the Steering Group and a self-nomination form.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to the Secretary or any member of the current Steering Group. Nominations are requested by 30 May 2023 if possible, as an email attachment sent to Nominations will be published on the ALDinHE website prior to the AGM.
Documents provided online in advance of the AGM and at the meeting itself.
This meeting shall be quorate if attended by 15 institutional or individual members.
- ALDinHE AGM minutes 10th April 2022
- Matters arising – update to ALDinHE’s values
- Co-Chairs’ report
- Secretary’s report
- Treasurer’s Report
- * Report from Professional Recognition Working Group
- * Report from Peer Mentoring Group
- * Report from the Research and Scholarship Working Group
- * Report from LearnHigher Working Group
- * Report from Conference Committee
- * Report from Journal Editorial Board
- * Report from the Events Working Group
- Confirmation of Steering Group membership for 2023/2024
New Steering Group Nominations
Current SG Members
The current members of the steering group roles are as follows (as ratified at the AGM held 10th June 2022):
Position | Role holder |
ALDinHE Co-Chair | Kate Coulson |
ALDinHE Co-Chair | Christie Pritchard |
ALDinHE Secretary | To be appointed (currently Kate Coulson who will step down, due to being appointed Co-Chair) |
ALDinHE Treasurer | Carina Buckley |
Journal Lead Editor | Alicja Syska |
Professional accreditation lead | Sheryl Mansfield |
Learn Higher lead | Jennie Dettmer |
Peer mentoring lead | Sandra Sinfield |
Research and scholarship lead | Ian Johnson |
Events lead | Maddy Mossman and Alistair Morey |
Conference lead | Melanie Crisfield |
Steering group member without portfolio | To be appointed |
Steering group member without portfolio | To be appointed |
Steering group member without portfolio | To be appointed |
14. Any Other Business
(*) Starred items will be received and acknowledged, but not discussed. Questions relating to the work of the Working Groups may be sent before or after the AGM to the Association’s secretary:
Links to previous Annual General Meetings (AGM) can be found here:
The association operates under the ALDinHE Constitution.