Homepage Forums Neurodiversity Share your work / interests in Neurodiversity

  • Creator
  • #50979

    Katharine Jewitt

    Introduce yourselves and share your work / interests in Neurodiversity. Ask questions, share ideas and add discussion.

  • Author
  • #52807

    John Brindle

    Hi everyone,

    John Brindle here, I’m Learning Design Manager at Edge Hill University in Ormskirk.

    I have varied interests in Neurodiversity, particularly from a learning design and pedagogical viewpoint. I am keen to ensure that all the resources developed by the team and I are fully accessible, logical, and easy to understand.

    I am also researching how third space professionals make sense of inclusive practice for my PhD at Lancaster University!

    My questions is a top tips kind of thing – what one thing would you do to curriculum design to ensure it supported neurodiverse students? For me it would be to attach purpose to each task we are asking student to undertake!


    • #56175

      Hi John I would like to see accessibility in the form of all information being in line with the BDA guidelines, as well as training for all staff.

  • #53184

    Karen Clark

    Hi John,

    I would like to see slides/documents provided beforehand, plus recordings of each lecture/session, so that students can access them again at a later date if they wish. This should be done as standard and the onus should not be put on the student to ask for this/provide their own recording equipment (which is often supplied by DSA and would put those who have not disclosed or are not aware they are neurodivergent, or the general student population, who could also benefit from these things, on a more even playing field).

    Karen Clark (Learning Development Advisor – Arts University Plymouth)

  • #53286

    Maria King

    Call for Interest – Autism and LIS Literature Review


    Autistic researchers affiliated with the Neurodivergent Library and Information Staff Network (NLISN) in the UK and the Disability and Wellness Research Collaborative (DWRC) at Oklahoma State University would like to invite interested individuals to join a collaborative research team for a two-year, research project, entitled:

    Perceptions and discourses of autism in Library and Information Science literature: a critical interpretive synthesis

    Research question

    To critically interpret and develop theory on how autism is discursively constructed within LIS literature.


    To critically interpret representations of autism and autistic individuals within the literature.

    To critically interpret assumptions and norms about autism and autistic individuals within the literature.

    To critically interpret autistic agency within the literature.

    To critically interpret alignment of the literature to medical and social models of disability.

    For full details please see the Call for Interest, Protocol, and if you are interested please complete the Call for Interest Form.

    Many thanks,


  • #56077

    Hello all!

    My name is Will I work for an assistive technology company called CareScribe. We build dictation software and note-taking software to help people access the world and level the playing field across things like the workplace and education (where people are often able to access our tools through things like the DSA or ATW).

    I am neurodiverse myself and part of my role at work is to try and create resources that are genuinely useful for people like neurodiverse students so I’m hoping by being a member here I can join the discussion and get a better understanding of how to do that effectively! We recently created a nice guide to neurodiversity in the workplace which is great but now I am keen to make sure our next resource focuses on how to help students.


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