Networking & Expertise Directory

Paul Chin

Paul Chin


University of Bath

Job Title

Head of Learning and Teaching


  • CeLP - Awarded: 2018

Contact Paul

Areas of Expertise

Assessment, Feedback and Course Design | Digital Education | Digital Literacies | Leadership and Management | Peer Assisted Learning and Peer Mentoring


Head of Academic Services promoting learning development, with 27 years HE experience. My early career focused on learning technology and I currently promote strategic and operational digital capabilities work. I have had leadership responsibilities for 18 years and an Associate Member of CIPD. I developed peer mentoring schemes with my team and my PhD interests focus around online group learning and peer assessment, being a co-partner in the JISC WebPA peer assessment project. I have developed a wide range of LD initiatives focusing on staff and student development.

How can I help learning developers?

I have worked with both staff and students to introduce new resources and cultures for improving teaching and learning practice. I have years of experience of introducing strategic change and motivating colleagues to develop and introduce new initiatives. I have a keen interest in technology, in particular online learning and peer assessment, for promoting graduate skills and academic development. My PFHEA recognition was evidenced from a wide range of local, institutional and broader sector developments and I am happy to help with various staff and student related learning development opportunities.

Last modified: 30/11/2023

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