Networking & Expertise Directory

Anna Judd-Yelland

Anna Judd-Yelland




The Open University

Job Title

Learning Designer


  • CeP - Awarded: 2018

Contact Anna

Areas of Expertise

Assessment, Feedback and Course Design | Inclusive Teaching | Widening Participation


My background is as an Adult literacy teacheradvise, working in the FE sector teaching adult literacy, delivering teacher training courses and training adult literacy trainees from Institute of Education. I also worked collaboratively with vocational teams  to embed functional skills into vocational areas. I have worked in the HE sector for the last 10 years. First at a WP institution as a learning developer for academic skills, and more recently at the Open University as a learning Designer. I  predominantly advise at module level, supporting the design of teaching, learning, inclusion and assessment for online distance learning. I have a particular interest in embedding EDI into module design and looking at what works for closing awarding gaps.

How can I help learning developers?

I have many years of experience teaching and supporting students from Widening Participation backgrounds across a range of curriculum areas. Both in FE and HE sectors. My areas of learning development expertise are in supporting mature students, developing embedded teaching and learning, adopting a build-up approach to academic skills teaching (O’Brien and Dowling-Hethertingon, 2013) and evaluating the impact of learning development initiatives. In addition to working with students, I am also experienced in supporting colleagues. I coordinate a Good Practice Forum amongst the learning development team where colleagues are invited to share evidence-based good practice and external speakers are invited to input on specialist areas of HE work. I mentor colleagues applying for HEA accreditation and have sat on HEA approval panels where I have developed an in-depth understanding of what constitutes a reflective practitioner.

Last modified: 27/01/2025

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