Networking & Expertise Directory
Claire Olson
Edge Hill University
Job Title
Senior Academic Skills Advisor
Contact Claire
Areas of Expertise
Academic Literacies | Academic Writing | Inclusive Teaching | Learning Spaces & Learning Communities | Professional Identity | Study SkillsBiography
I have worked as an Academic Skills Advisor at Edge Hill University since 2016. Prior to working in HE, I worked within education roles in the museum sector for more than a decade, before moving into Further Education to work with students at risk of failing. In my current role, I develop and deliver embedded sessions and online workshops across all faculties and levels. I also support students via 121s.
I am the Evaluation lead for the Student Engagement Team and therefore interested in ways to measure both satisfaction and impact. Impact being the trickier of the two!
How can I help learning developers?
As a member of several Community of Practice groups, I am always happy to share with others and discuss all manner of LD topics. I have a keen interest in Academic Resilience and readily champion the importance of being able to make mistakes and learn positively from them. I am also interested in student belonging, student values and what makes students successful. As LDs, I feel we are (or should be) constantly learning ourselves, I am therefore happy to discuss issues relating to how we see our role and the development of the LD identity.
Last modified: 02/09/2024