Networking & Expertise Directory
Jennie Dettmer
University of Hertfordshire
Job Title
Academic Skills Adviser
Contact Jennie
Areas of Expertise
Academic Literacies | Academic Reading | Academic Writing | Digital Education | Inclusive Teaching | Induction, Transition and First Year Experience | Study Skills | Widening ParticipationBiography
Jennie has over 20 years of experience in FE and HE. She taught ESOL, numeracy and literacy within learning support teams in FE and she achieved the PGCE (PCE) and L5 Teaching Learners with Dyslexia. In February 2014 she moved into HE and has since gained SFHEA and the CeLP award. She currently works at the University of Hertfordshire as an Academic Skills Tutor for CASE (Centre for Academic Skills Enhancement) in the Hertfordshire Business School. She is Co-chair of LearnHigher and the Neurodiversity/Inclusivity Community of Practice. Due to an interest in Technology Enhance Learning (TEL), she is also the Co-chair for ALT East England and she has trained peers to use TEL in their teaching. She is passionate about accessibility and inclusivity in HE and delivers staff training around these themes.
How can I help learning developers?
Jennie would be pleased to support learning developers who are looking to gain their professional recognition awards. She would be happy to support/share good practice with anyone who wants to use more TEL in their teaching, particularly around webinars and student response systems. She also has experience of organising national conferences and regional events through membership of various working groups.
Last modified: 19/03/2024