Mentor & Reviewer Directory
Sandra Abegglen
University of Calgary
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Mentor for the Peer Mentoring ProgrammeBiography
Sandra Abegglen is a Researcher in the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL) at the University of Calgary, Canada. Sandra is an enthusiastic educationist with a strong interest in collaboration, co-creation and social justice. Her research focuses on in digital education, hybrid pedagogy, academic literacies, creative learning and teaching methods, peer support, inclusion, and identity. She is the Principal Investigator for Playful Hybrid Higher Education and TALON, the Teaching and Learning Online Network – and she holds the project lead for several other online education research projects, including the Building the Ideal Higher Education funded by ALDinHE. Sandra has written about her research and teaching practice in a wide variety of books and journals, and she has presented her work nationally and internationally. She has been awarded for her inclusive inter-disciplinary, multi-stakeholder education work.
Please visit her personal website for more information about her educational and professional background, and her expertise:
I am always keen to collaborate – and talk/write about: digital education, hybrid pedagogy, academic literacies, creative learning and teaching methods, peer support, inclusion, and identity.
I have extensive education research experience as both principal investigator and project lead, and I am happy to share that with anyone having questions about: grant proposals writing, qualitative data collection and analysis, project evaluation and reporting, ethics, and publishing.
Last modified: 15/03/2024