Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of the Association for Learning Development in Higher Education, to be held online at 16:00 on Thursday 6 June 2024. Further details about the AGM are available on the AGM page of the ALDinHE website. The online link will be shared closer to the date and will also be available via the ALDcon24 programme.
This year, we are trialling a new format for the AGM to better showcase the work of ALDinHE, share new initiatives and community voices. We will also introduce new Steering Group members. In the lead up to the AGM and annual conference, we invite you to share your experiences and good news stories on our “ALDinHE and Me Wall” which offers you the space to share how you have benefited from your ALDinHE membership and to share what you love about ALDinHE.
Join the ALDinHE Steering Group
A key matter for the AGM is the election of new members to the Association’s Steering Group. Self-nominations are now invited from members of ALDinHE who have the enthusiasm and experience to enable the Association to flourish, working with friendly and supportive colleagues on the Steering Group.
Further details about the Steering Group and the self-nomination form are available on the AGM website. Informal enquiries may be addressed to myself or any member of the current Steering Group. Nominations are requested by Tuesday 28 May 2024. Please email your completed form to admin@aldinhe.ac.uk . Nominations will be published on the ALDinHE website prior to the AGM.
Further details about the Steering Group and a self-nomination form are available on the AGM website.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to myself or any member of the current Steering Group. Nominations are requested by Tuesday 28 May 2024, if possible, as an email attachment sent to admin@aldinhe.ac.uk . Nominations will be published on the ALDinHE website prior to the AGM.
Join us after the AGM for the #ALDcon24 virtual pub crawl which will also be held on Thursday 6 June 2024 from 19.30 – late. All online and face-to-face delegates are invited to join the virtual pub crawl.
The online conference day will begin on the following day, on Friday 7 June 2024. The two in-person days in Glasgow will be Tuesday 11 June 2024 – Wednesday 12 June 2024. Please visit the conference website for ALDcon24 details.
Kind regards,
Maddy Mossman,
Secretary of ALDinHE
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