Submit Resource

Learnhigher is a collaborative site offering effective peer reviewed resources for university level study.

To contribute a resource, please first read the guidelines below and then press the ‘Submit a resource’ button.

Thank you.

The LearnHigher working group

Guidelines for submitting a resource to LearnHigher

Please read the below before submitting your resource to LearnHigher:

Resources submitted must adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.2. Use the media checklist to check your resource suitability.

Resource submission criteria [PDF] (what you can and cannot do. E.g. resource expectations and acceptable files types)

Resource online submission help [PDF] (Guidance with our online submission form, and what to expect)

Please note:

  • We ONLY accept original resources, and not links to websites (e.g. your own institutional web-links).
  • We limit file submission to a maximum of five items per resource, if you have additional items please email those directly to
  • Is your video and or audio resource narrated? Then please provide an accompanying separate transcript (under these circumstances you are allowed to exceed the five item limit).
  • You can also gain professional recognition of your role as a Learning Developer or Leader in Learning Development through ALDinHE, for more information click here. Submitting a resource to LearnHigher can contribute as evidence for your professional recognition application.

Any issues?

If you have any files larger than 20MB, please us our Contact Us form on this website and include the subject line ‘resource development larger files’.

Please enter the duration of your resource in minutes.
Please list any suggested resource categories.
Please submit a 250 character social media message we can use to promote your resource.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
You can submit up to 5 files with your resource.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

AI Disclosure Statement

All authors are required to disclose the use of AI technologies within their submissions. 

NOTE to authors - we do not expect you to disclose the use of tools used for the correction of spelling and grammatical errors unless such tools are undertaking substantive re-writing beyond the sentence level. If you are unsure, please discuss with the LearnHigher Working Group co-chairs.

Creative Commons License

LearnHigher aims to make all its resources available under a Creative Commons licence.

Please confirm that there is no rights restricted content within this material, and that you and all authors are happy to make this resource available under the Creative Commons licence (4.0) used by Learnhigher.

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