LD@3 Supporting students’ digital assessments: learning development and non-traditional assessments

Media Type: Slides, Video
Resource Duration: 60 minutes
Number of downloads: 1

In my role as Lecturer in Digital Education, I support the development, creation, and review of digital and technological resources for learning, teaching and assessment in the Department of Social Care and Social Work of a post-1992 university in the north of England. This includes supporting students with creating digital products such as animations, blogs, digital stories, and recorded presentations for their assessment tasks, in a similar way that Learning Developers provide support for more traditional assignments such as essays and exams. I initially joined the department as an eLearning Developer but after having expanded the role to include student support and gaining my ALDinHE CeP status, I have moved to my current Lecturer role.

This webinar aims to reflect on my experiences of providing such support, explore some of the challenges that I have faced in supporting non-traditional assessment tasks and how I overcame these. Ultimately, the aim is to consider how learning development practices can support both students and staff in navigating ever diversifying teaching, learning and assessment practices, and what learning developers, and others in perhaps non-traditional learning development roles, may need to undertake such work.


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Additional Resource Information

View resources by author(s): Anne Everett

Institution(s): Manchester Metropolitan University

Event Date: 23/05/2023

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