LD@3: Academic writing and emotion

Media Type: Slides
Resource Duration: 60 minutes
Number of downloads: 3

Emotions play an important role in academic writing (Cameron, Nairn and Higgins, 2009) . Many of the most challenging emotional aspects of writing , such as working with feedback (Han and Hyland, 2019) form core aspects of learning developers work. However, this is a relatively underexplored area. The process of writing is strongly linked to identity and research into Academic Literacies has highlighted the fact that this often involves complex negotiations especially from students from widening participation backgrounds (Lea and Street, 1998). Student’s past experiences of learning strongly shape their identity as learners. For example, the early challenges with literacy faced by people with dyslexia often continue to affect them emotionally into adulthood (Pollak, 2005; Alexander-Passe 2015). The concept of learning identities ( Bloomer and Hodkinson, 2000; Christie et al 2007) is valuable in helping us understand students’ emotional responses in the wider context of their lives. This workshop makes use of student case studies to explore the range of emotional responses students have to writing and reflect on the strategies we as leaning developers can use to support them.

Reference list:

  • Alexander-Passe, N (2015) Dyslexia and Mental Health: Helping People Identify Destructive Behaviours and Find Positive Ways to Cope, London: Jessica Kingsley
  • Bloomer, M. and Hodkinson, P. (2000) Learning careers: continuity and change in young people’s dispositions to learning British Educational Research Journal 26(5): 583-597
  • Cameron, J Narin, K and Higgins, J (2009) ‘Demystifying Academic Writing: Reflections on Emotions, Know-How and Academic Identity’ Journal of Geography in Higher Education, Volume 33, Issue 2
  • Christie, H. Tet, L. Cree, V. Houndsell, J. and McCun, V (2007) A real rollercoaster of confidence and emotions’: learning to be a university student .online papers archived by the Institute of Geography, School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh. Available at: https://era.ed.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/1842/1891/hchristie002.pdf?sequence=1 accessed on 01/11/2019
  • Han, Y and Hyland, F (2019) Academic emotions in written corrective feedback situations Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Volume 38, Issue 1 p 1-13
    Lea, M and Street, R (1998) ‘Student writing in higher education: an academic literacies approach’ Studies in Higher Education, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p157, 16p
    Pollak, D (2005) Dyslexia, the Self and Higher Education: Learning Life Histories of Students Identified as Dyslexic, London, Trentham Books


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Additional Resource Information

View resources by author(s): Events Working Group

Institution(s): De Montfort University

Event Date: 27/05/2020

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