Using a critical review of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as a starting activity for groups and an introduction to critical analysis – a case study from current WP practice.
Widening Participation (WP) research in recent years has indicated that lower higher education participation rates for students from disadvantaged backgrounds are more a result of lower attainment than of low aspiration (Vignoles & Murray, 2016). There is now a push for WP activity to help address this issue (OFS, 2018) leading to academic skills such as critical thinking being included as a key part of University outreach programmes.
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is popular business management tool that is widely used and uncritically accepted as valid (Lloyd, 2012). Drawing on recognised group working best practice (Hartley, 2005), the session leader will demonstrate how an activity designed to critically review the use of MBTI can be a useful way to encourage individual participation in group scenarios, prepare students for working together collaboratively; and provide an accessible way to introduce key HE skills. This activity could be usefully adapted to suit a number of different Learning Development aims.
- Hartley, P. (2005) Developing students’ skills in groups and teamworking: moving experience into critical reflection. In Enhancing teaching in higher education. London: RoutledgeFalmer
- Lloyd, J.B. (2012) The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® and mainstream psychology: analysis and evaluation of an unresolved hostility. Journal of Beliefs and Values. 33 (1):23-94.
- OFS, (2018) A new approach to regulating access and participation in English higher education. Office for Students, Bristol: 9.
- Vignoles, A. & Murray, N. (2016) Widening Participation in Higher Education. Education Sciences 6, (2): 13″
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