LD@3 Impact of 1:1 appointments on student attainment

Media Type: Slides, Video
Resource Duration: 60 minutes
Number of downloads: 4

The Writing and Learning Centre is the University’s student facing academic study skills service and provides embedded taught sessions, workshops and 1:1 tutorials. Annual survey feedback often reflects student confidence following an appointment rather than evidence of ongoing effectiveness. Anecdotal feedback is positive about the impact of WLC support for students. The aim of this research was to discover whether there is data to back up positive anecdotal and written qualitative feedback.

Attainment data was gathered at the end of Levels 4 and 6 and overlaid against WLC attendance. The data showed a significant correlation between student outcome and attendance at the WLC especially at higher degree levels. Key points include:

The percentage point gap between WLC attendees and non-attendees for those students who received a First is an average of 7.3% across the three cohorts (a statistically significant uplift of 38.6%).

The percentage point gap between WLC attendees and non-attendees for students who started at the lowest entry tariff and went on to achieve a First or a 2.1 is 20.05%. The percentage point gap for those at the upper levels of entry tariff (96-144+) is lower at 6.87% but still a statistically significant increase of 22.65%.

It is acknowledged that many other factors interweave to affect student achievement: teaching, other support teams and student confidence in seeking help. Clearly the WLC cannot take sole credit for the learning gain however the data shows that there is a positive connection between WLC attendance and final outcomes for students.


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Additional Resource Information

View resources by author(s): Siobhan Hawke

Institution(s): Bath Spa University

Event Date: 20/07/2023

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