LD@3 Study Skills Diagnostic: a multi-stakeholder approach

Media Type: Slides, Video, Webpage
Resource Duration: 60 minutes
Number of downloads: 4

Workshop content and aims

We will present an overview of our process of involving students as partners in the development of our academic and study skills service. Alongside course tutors, library colleagues, and e-learning developers, we designed and implemented an online diagnostic tool for students to complete which assessed their competence in a range of Academic Writing skills (critical writing, structure, and using evidence) and Harvard Referencing. Upon completion of this diagnostic, students were directed to select which workshops they would attend in a mini-conference format; options available depended on how students performed in the diagnostic and each workshop had two iterations: basic and advanced.

As part of our sharing of our innovative practice and exploration of the creation, delivery, and evaluation of the diagnostic, LD@3 participants will be encouraged to engage in discussion about the limitations of the diagnostic, potential developments, and future applications. Our aim is that LD@3 participants will take away an increased awareness of how a study skills needs analysis might be undertaken in collaboration with faculty staff.

Presenters: Mike McGarry and Joseph Greenwood, Academic & Study Skills tutors, Manchester Metropolitan University


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Additional Resource Information

View resources by author(s): Joe Greenwood

Institution(s): Manchester Metropolitan University

Event Date: 22/02/2022

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