(Report by Michelle Reid)
The ALDinHE ‘Embedding Skills and Integrating Learning Development’ day was definitely embedded as a firm success. Over 40 delegates from as far away as Canterbury and Edinburgh gathered at the University of Leicester on 22nd June for a day of discussion and sharing ideas on what embedding means to us and how we can do it more effectively.
The day was opened by Dr Mark Rawlinson (Academic Director of Leicester’s College of Arts, Humanities and Law) who made an engaging speech proposing embedding as a means of facilitating a review of the curricula with a focus on a design for learning, not simply content coverage. Dr Pat Hill from the University of Huddersfield then explained more about the on-going work of the ALDinHE Embedding Task and Finish Group which contributed to the organisation of the event.
There was a real buzz throughout the day as delegates swapped their different embedding journeys and found new solutions to embedding challenges. Feedback comments suggested the day was very worthwhile, and the material produced at the event is being captured to contribute to a national embedding learning development resource.
A big thank you to Steve Rooney and colleagues at the University of Leicester for making us so welcome, and to Pat Hill and the Embedding Task and Finish group for organising the programme for the day.
Here are the slides from the presentations: