Student Voice

#Take5 #95 DUNCE! A Mature Student’s Journey to Learning Development and Support by Luke Basford

Published: 28/09/2023 - Reading Time: 7 min

Categories: Equality, Diversity, Inclusion | Induction and Transition | Student Voice | Take5

This #Take5 is brought to you from Luke Basford a student at Portsmouth University who delivered a riveting keynote at #ALDcone23 online in June last year. We were so impressed with Luke that we asked him for this blog also. In this #Take5 Luke shares his journey to Learning Development and support as a mature student. Who, me? At first, I never believed that I would be able to attend university. It seemed like something that was expected of me by those around me, rather than a personal aspiration. I vividly remember the eulogy at my grandad’s funeral, where each […]

Luke Basford

#Take5 #89: The Power and Impact of the Student Voice

Published: 15/06/2023 - Reading Time: 6 min

Categories: Student Voice | Study Skills | Take5

By Kate Coulson – Head of Learning and Teaching Enhancement, University of Northampton “Never work with students”.W.C. Fields (plus a K. V. Coulson embellishment) In my role as Head of Learning and Teaching Enhancement at the University of Northampton, I have a bullet point on my job description that states I must: ‘Lead on the development of mechanisms to enhance student voice involvement as co-creators in learning and teaching’. I have excellent working relationships with our Students Union and their sabbatical officers and take those relationships very seriously: we meet regularly, I support them, they talk to me about concerns […]

Student panel at the University of Northampton
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