
Collective Diary 15 December 2024

Published: 13/12/2024 - Reading Time: 8 min

Categories: Collective Diary | Reflection

On the 15th of each month, we are inviting those working in the field of learning development to share their day. Write up what you have done on the 15th of the month (or your nearest working day to this date) (plus reflections) and share it with us via this short submission form. The entries will be shared here on the ALDinHE blog. In 2010-11 and 2014-15, the ALDinHE website was previously used for a collective online journal by members of the LD community. The collective journal re-launched on the 15 May 2023. You can read the journal entries for each month. The shared experiences […]

illustration of a diary

Collective Diary 15 August 2024

Published: 09/08/2024 - Reading Time: 1 min

Categories: Collective Diary | CPD | Reflection

On the 15th of each month, we are inviting those working in the field of learning development to share their day. Write up what you have done on the 15th of the month (or your nearest working day to this date) (plus reflections) and share it with us via this short submission form. The entries will be shared here on the ALDinHE blog. In 2010-11 and 2014-15, the ALDinHE website was previously used for a collective online journal by members of the LD community. The collective journal re-launched on the 15 May 2023. You can read the journal entries for each month. The shared experiences […]

critical thinking and reflection

#Take5 #104 What have conferences ever done for us?

Published: 16/05/2024 - Reading Time: 13 min

Categories: Take5 | Reflection | Research

By Simone Maier In the run up to the wonderful #ALDcon24, we thought we’d share one of our colleague’s reflections on a truly empowering conference experience. Simone went to the Glasgow School of Art Teachers Conference as a learning developer, as an art teacher on an Art Foundation Programme, and as a Masters student exploring Art and the Pedagogy of Art. Here Simone reflects on that Conference and on the power of Practice Based Research as a way of surfacing our deep values and predispositions – those that cannot at first be articulated through language – where even attempting to […]

Front cover of ‘on not knowing: How Artists Teach’ conference programme

#Take5 #99 Welcome to the Amazing World of Reflection and Reflective Practice: What is it and how should we be Supporting Students? 

Published: 25/01/2024 - Reading Time: 9 min

Categories: Take5 | Communities | Reflection

This Take5 is brought to you from Nikki Clarke at Birmingham City University. Nikki is passionate about developing authentic and powerful reflective practices with our students. She has an EdD on the topic – she practises it – she has written books on the subject. Nikki is now sharing her ideas here with us in the hopes of recruiting as many readers as possible to join her new ALDinHE reflective practice Community of Practice (CoP). Please have a read – and let Nikki know if you are interested. Who am I? I am Dr Nicola Clarke. By the way I […]

Nicola Clarke
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