Leeds Professional Development Day 14 January 2011

Here is a small selection of photographs from this event, a follow-up to the successful CPD day held at the University of Reading in July 2010.


For PDF versions of individual presentations, please click on the links in the programme below.

Anna Seabourne, Rebecca Dearden, Rachel Robinson Collaborative professional development initiatives: working together to improve teaching skills in the Library. LibteachforALDinHEPeter Hartley
Promoting learning development across your institution: collaborating with other services.
PH ALDinHE workshop Jan2011
LD strategy suggestions
Stuart Johnson  Using emerging technologies to engage students
Emerging Technologies_2011
Carol Elston and Jade Kelsall  Sharing online resources: Working together to develop students’ academic skills
sharing resources
David Bowers  Marketing and promoting your learning development service
David Bowers Session 3 201
Ellen Pope  Embedding learning development within your institution
Ellen Pope Session 4 101
Pat Hill  Sharing ideas about delivering one to one learning development advice
Pat Hill One-to-One sessions – combined discussion from Reading and Leeds (web)
Liz Meehan and maths tutors  Providing maths support across the university
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