This #Take5 is brought to you by #Take5 and Talon. Last year we collaboratively edited a Special Issue on Collaboration in Higher Education for the Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. It was hard work, but life affirming to gather so many tales of cooperation and collegiality. In fact, it created such a sense of hope in us that we did not want to stop there – and decided to invite the authors of those articles to come together in a Symposium on the theme of collaboration. Not everybody could make the event – but the majority will be there to speak to their papers, and this is our invitation to you, too – join us on the 7th April 2022 to keep the hopeful conversations going.
Picture: Symposium Poster
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Collaborative Symposium
As HE becomes ever more marketised, commodified and individualistic, we share positive stories of creative collegiate practice between service staff, faculty and students. The Symposium highlights stories of praxis that built spaces and places for partnership, connected institutions with wider stakeholders, and integrated students as partners in pedagogy and education development. Attend the Symposium and together we can construct the stories and practices of who we are, what we do, and what we and our students want to become.
Invitation to the Collaboration in Higher Education Symposium: Online, free and open to all – April 07 2022 – Time zones: Calgary 8-11am | London 3-6pm | New York 10am-1pm
The presentations
Following on from the publication of our Special Issue of the Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice (JUTLP) on Collaboration in Higher Education, we have brought together the authors to speak about their research. The presentations build on practical experience, research data, personal and collective reflections, to outline how contributors have navigated tensions in HE to create dialogic spaces of voice and hope. These articles will be discussed in four parallel strands as follows:
Strand 1
“To be relied upon and trusted”: The centrality of personal relationships to collaboration in HE, in a successful cross-team institutional change project:
Inclusive, multi-partner co-creation for the teaching of special educational needs and disabilities in higher education:
Empowering cross-disciplinary learning through online collaboration among students and faculty from Business English, Website Building, and Accessible Design Fields:
Characterising collaboration: Reflecting on a partnership between academic support staff and lecturers to help university students learn how to write for the discipline of chemistry:
Strand 2
The doors of opportunity: How do community partners experience working as co-educators in a service-learning collaboration?:
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Developing a university-voluntary sector collaboration for social impact:
Learning how to engage with another’s point of view by intercultural, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaborations:
Empowering cross-disciplinary learning through online collaboration among students and faculty from Business English, Website Building, and Accessible Design Fields:
Strand 3
Emerging from the third space chrysalis: Experiences in a non-hierarchical, collaborative research community of practice:
Knowing me, Knowing you: Humanitas in work-integrated learning during adversity:
Empowering cross-disciplinary learning through online collaboration among students and faculty from Business English, Website Building, and Accessible Design Fields:
Ensemble mentorship as a decolonising and relational practice in Canada:
Strand 4
Searching for the yet unknown: Writing and dancing as incantatory practices:
De-territorialisations for pedagogical co-creation: Challenging traditionalistic pedagogies with students in higher education:
Beyond the avatar: Using video cameras to achieve effective collaboration in an online second language classroom:
Redesigning a sustainable English capstone course through a virtual student-faculty partnership:
The keynotes
The Symposium will open and close with two brilliant keynote speakers:
To open we have Professor Digby Warren, Head of the Centre for Professional and Educational Development, London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom who will speak to: The transformative potential of collaboration in higher education.
Natasha Kenny, Senior Director, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary, Canada, will pull the event to a close, speaking to: Reflections on collaboration, networks and Covid-19.
Picture: The full programme
Concluding notes
The case studies presented are boundary crossing and life-affirming: focusing on collaborations with students as partners, co-researchers and co-authors, and partnerships that operate across disciplinary boundaries and beyond; that involve cross-institution collaboration; pedagogical co-creation and the re-conceptualising of learning. Together they provide refreshed notions of collegiality and collaboration in HE that support new and more nuanced, and dynamic models of co-creation. The Special Issue started the conversation that we want to develop in this Symposium – to seed an ecology of collaborative practice for social justice – a more humane academia. In the Symposium, we challenge a HE that is increasingly individualistic to rediscover the power of collaboration, to build spaces and places for partnership between service staff, faculty and students – within institutions, between institutions, and with wider stakeholders. Together we can create a space to come together – to construct meaning and ourselves.
Register for free here:!view/event/event_id/403777
Everyone welcome!
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Symposium – April 07 2022!
Sandra Abegglen, Tom Burns, Fabian Neuhaus, Krisha Shah, Sandra Sinfield & Kylie Wilson
The Symposium Organizers
Hosts: TALON & Take5
Further information can be found here:
Abegglen, Sandra is a Researcher in the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape at the University of Calgary where she explores learning and teaching in the design disciplines as the project lead of TALON. Sandra has an MSc in Social Research and a MA in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. She has over eight years’ experience as a Senior Lecturer in Education Studies. Her research interests are in online education, creative learning and teaching, mentoring, visual narratives, identity and qualitative research methods. She has published widely on emancipatory learning and teaching practice, and playful pedagogy, and was co-editor for the JUTLP Special Issue on Collaboration in Higher Education. Sandra is a Certified Practitioner for Learning Development and a Fellow of Advance HE. She has been awarded the Team Teaching Award 2020 by the University of Calgary.
Burns, Tom is a Senior Lecturer in Education and Learning Development in the Centre for Professional and Educational Development at London Metropolitan University, developing innovations with a special focus on praxes that ignite student curiosity, and develop power and voice. Tom is a member of the #creativeHE community, always interested in theatre and the arts and their capacity for holistic practice. He has set up adventure playgrounds, and community events and festivals for his local community, and harnesses art, creativity and theatre practices in teaching and learning, and in his writing and research. Tom is co-author of Teaching, Learning and Study Skills: A Guide for Tutors, and Essential Study Skills: The complete Guide to Success at University (5th Edition, forthcoming 2022), and he is co-editor for the JUTLP Special Issue on Collaboration in Higher Education. Tom is a Senior Fellow of Advance HE, a Certified Leading Practitioner in Learning Development and a University Teaching Fellow.
Neuhaus, Fabian PhD, is an Associate Professor at the University of Calgary with the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape in Canada. He is the research lead for the Richard Parker Initiative (RPI) and the principal investigator for TALON and NEXTCalgary. His research interests are the temporal aspects of the urban environment, focusing on the topics of habitus, type, and ornament in terms of activity, technology, and memory. He has worked with architecture and urban design practices in the UK and Switzerland as well as on research projects at universities in Switzerland, Germany, and the UK. He is passionate about learning and teaching, and design pedagogy.
Shah, Krisha is a Graduate Student in the Master of Planning program at the School of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape, University of Calgary. She was admitted to the program in the Fall of 2021 as an international student. With a background in Architecture and a passion for community driven projects, Krisha has joined the TALON team as Graduate Assistant Researcher in January 2022. She works actively on managing the social media for TALON and connecting with the community of educators and learners.
Sinfield, Sandra is a Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Professional and Educational Development at London Metropolitan University and a co-editor for the JUTLP Special Issue on Collaboration in Higher Education. She has co-authored of Teaching, Learning and Study Skills: A Guide for Tutors, and Essential Study Skills: The Complete Guide to Success at University (5th Edition, forthcoming 2022). Sandra is a member of the #creativeHE community and one of the co-founders of the Association for Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE). Sandra is interested in creativity as emancipatory practice in Higher Education, has integrated creative practice into the curriculum and has designed and led a variety of creative learning events for both students and academic staff. Sandra is Senior Fellow of Advance HE, a Certified Leading Practitioner in Learning Development and a University Teaching Fellow.
Wilson, Kylie is a Graduate Student in the Master of Architecture program at the School of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape, University of Calgary. In the 2020-2021 academic year, she was admitted to the program and completed the foundation year level courses. Before pursuing architecture, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications, Minoring in Political Science, also from the University of Calgary. She joined the TALON team as Graduate Assistant Researcher in May 2021 and works actively on the project’s audio-visual content collection, newsletters and TALON publications. She is passionate about storytelling and knowledge-sharing through media and built form and empowering users through placemaking in architecture.