Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of the Association for Learning Development in Higher Education, to be held online at 16.20 on Friday 9 June 2023. Further details about the AGM are available here. Location details to follow.
A key matter for the AGM is the election of new members to the Steering Group of the Association. Self-nominations are now invited from members of ALDinHE who have the enthusiasm and experience to enable the Association to flourish, working with friendly and supportive colleagues on the Steering Group.
Further details about the Steering Group and a self-nomination form are attached. Please see our AGM website for all relevant information.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to myself or any member of the current Steering Group. Nominations are requested by 31 May 2023 if possible, as an email attachment sent to Nominations will be published on the ALDinHE website prior to the AGM.
Kind regards,
Kate Coulson
Secretary of ALDinHE