LoveLD magazine issue 3

Issue 3 of the LoveLD magazine is out now for your summer reading. Thank you to everyone who has contributed. 

loveld magazine issue 3

Our cover feature is the launch of ALDinHE’s peer mentoring scheme and we meet Sandra Abegglen who is the first to be professionally recognised through the new Certificate of Mentoring. In this issue, we focus on Student Voice, hearing from University of Northampton’s Student Learning Development Mentors and from ALDcon23, the Student Keynotes at the University of Portsmouth share their reflections. Dr Helen Webster (University of Oxford) is in the talking seat discussing embedded provision versus integrated. Rehana Awan (The Open University) shares findings and recommendations from research on improving support for the mental health and wellbeing of students from Black African and Black Caribbean backgrounds. Jonathan Denham (University of Bradford) continues his discussion from ALDcon23 on adaptive workshop planning for on-the-day students. Josh Samuels-Hylton and Kary-Jayne Wilton (The Open University) share stories of resilience, working in partnership with British Olympian, Shelayna Oskan-Clarke. Aurélie Cauchard and Gemma Trevelyan (Manchester Metropolitan University) take on the challenge to shake up students’ approach to reading at university and Chad McDonald reflects on Manchester Metropolitan University taking over ALDinHE’s Twitter feed. Helen Hargreaves (Lancaster University) shares an overview of the recent regional event on collaboration in learning development. Plus news, events, celebrations, books, new LearnHigher resources and lots more.  

If you would like to feature in the next issue, please email

Enjoy the read!

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